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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Have You Been Experiencing Weight Loss Failure? Try Nutritional Timing

Have you been trying hard but hitting weight loss failure? It is so frustrating when you try to eat right and even exercise yet you get no reward when you step on the scale. If this has been true for you then you will want to try Nutritional Timing which is a way for you to work with your body so your body gets what it needs when it needs it and as a result releases excess body fat. Curious? Then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read on.

Weight Loss Failure

Nutritional timing is simply paying attention to the time of day you eat certain nutrients so your body can fully process what you eat and not turn extra calories to fat.

The reason it works is because your body has natural and predictable energy swings. For instance, in the morning and early afternoon your body's energy needs along with your metabolism are on the rise. This is the perfect time for you to feed your body "energy foods". What foods are energy foods? Mainly carbohydrates because they quickly break down and disperse in your body.

By late afternoon your body's natural energy level is decreasing along with your metabolism and this means that carbohydrates you eat late in the day cannot be as easily used up and they are much more likely to get converted to stored energy which you call body fat.

If you have been encountering weight loss failure then I encourage you to start using nutritional timing. You can get fast weight loss by working with your body and feeding it carbohydrates in the first half of your day and then avoiding them later on and instead filling your body with proteins and vegetables as your evening approaches.

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