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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dieting Alone Does Not Help in Weight Loss

Are you planning for a weight loss? Only dieting is not going to help you.

A study at Oregon Health and Science University in US showed that only dieting can not make any significant change to your weight loss.

It has been found that for substantial weight loss proper diet and exercise must be combined together for best results.

In the research, published in the American Journal of Physiology, an international team led by Judy Cameron studied 18 female monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Center.

The monkeys were placed on a high-fat diet for several years. They were then returned to a lower -fat diet with a 30% reduction in calories.

The weight and activities of the monkeys were closely tracked for a month period. The activities were monitored by an activity meter attached on to their collar.

Surprisingly no significant weight reduction was noticed at the end of the month but there was a significant change in the activity level of these monkeys. The activity level in the monkeys began to reduce soon after the reduction in the calories in the diet.

Further reductions in the calories in the diet of these monkeys in the next month lead to diminish still more physical activity in them.

The team also fed a normal diet to another group of monkeys and trained them to exercise for 1 hour daily on a tread mill. They found that there was a appreciable weight loss in this group.

The study demonstrated that there is a natural mechanism in the body which conserves the energy in response to a reduction in the intake. The body of humans and animals seems to have a built in mechanism for responding to the inputs available to them at times. These findings will help fitness and medical professionals to advise the persons on the weight loss program. For further details you may like to visit....

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