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Friday, September 27, 2013

Is Mindless Eating Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Tips on Becoming More Mindful

Are you sabotaging your weight loss with mindless eating? There seem to be so many opportunities to eat or overeat during the day and this makes mindless eating a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss efforts. If you find yourself unconsciously popping food in your mouth during the day then I highly encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read this article and discover just how easy it is to move away from mindless eating and become a mindful eater.

Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

The real secret to becoming a mindful eater is learning to bring your focus into what you are eating and when you do this the benefits are enormous, you not only slow down when you eat but you naturally eat less because you appreciate the foods more and you make better eating decisions because you notice the taste of foods more.

1. Bring your focus to your food by pulling in all of your senses when you eat. Look at your food, smell it, listen for a crunch, feel it in your mouth and taste it.

2. Write it down. Don't let yourself "forget" what you ate. Write everything you eat and drink down in a journal. You don't need this to be fancy, just a small tablet will work.

3. Divide your plate at meal times. To know that you are eating the right foods in the right portion sizes divide your plate. To do this draw an imaginary line through your plate and fill the top with vegetables and then divide the bottom half and put a portion of protein on the one side the same size and thickness as the palm of your hand and on the other side put a carbohydrate portion the size of your cupped hand - this gives you the perfect meal.

You can stop sabotaging your weight loss by becoming a more mindful eater and these tips will help you get there.

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