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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Immediate Weight Loss (For Real)

Everyone wants to immediate weight loss with the least amount of effort possible. It seems that it is just human nature to get more done for less. This can lead us into a lot of problems especially when it comes to weight loss. Usually the fastest ways to lose weight are the least healthy.

Here are a couple tips to lose weight immediately AND in a healthy manner.

Immediate Weight Loss

1. Beat the Hunger.

Most of us overeat. It is as simple as that. There are tons of issues that may cause us to overeat such as stress, to something as simple as just being really hungry.

It does not matter WHY you are overeating, just that you need to STOP!

The worst thing you can do is simply try and resist the urge to eat until you are fully satisfied. Depriving yourself is not the answer for quick weight loss.

You need to buffer your meals by having an apple or salad right before your meal. Soup is another great buffer. What this does is fill you up a bit so you don't overeat once you get to the main course. Therefore, you will not consume massive amounts of empty calories.

2. Become an Early Riser.

Waking up early gives your metabolism an extremely strong boost for the day. As you should already know, a faster metabolism is a good thing!

So how early do you need to get up?

I love telling people this in person so I can see the expression on their face...

The best time to wake up in the morning is 5AM. I am not going to lie, it sucks for the first couple of days. I was not a pleasant person to deal with when I first started to wake up this early!

The good news is that you get used to it, and your metabolism (and energy levels) will benefit greatly.

If you implement these techniques, you will notice some very fast results. Now, you actually need to APPLY them!

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